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Advanced Physical Modeling

A physics-based approach reliably simulates wildfire behavior and spread for a robust stochastic set of 850,000+ events

Current Climate Trends

Incorporation of the impacts of climate change captures future wildfire behavior and potential future losses

Accurate Risk Metrics

High-resolution event footprints provide the basis for the most comprehensive and accurate risk metrics for insurers and reinsurers

Bobcat Fire (2020)
Monrovia, California, USA

US Wildfire Snapshot

Climate trends are encouraging larger, more frequent fire events. Each year around 15 fires larger than 10,000 acres are likely to occur, which is triple the number that could be expected in 1980. All ten of the highest loss-producing wildfires in the last 35 years occurred in California, and Wildland Urban Interfaces—where wildlands meet developed lands—are most affected. The high-resolution KCC US Wildfire Reference Model captures the propagation of damaging wildfires across the entire continental US with a dynamic modeling approach that explicitly simulates fire spread.


Manage Your Wildfire Risk in the United States

KCC utilizes the best available data, science, and technology to create high-resolution, accurate, and transparent global catastrophe models that allow you to make decisions with confidence.
